Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Love Your Teacher" Day

Apparently, that's today.  Zoe woke up at 6:00 this morning and while I was snoozing away, she was setting up my desk, arranging my breakfast, writing a card and arranging roses in a vase.

I'm speechless.  She couldn't have given me a better gift than the card and the poem she wrote in it.  If there was any second guessing about homeschooling her, it's gone.  I've never seen Zoe so happy.  Thanks Zoe. You're teaching me way more.
This is how I found my desk this morning.
Zoe's Poem

Friday, December 10, 2010

A visit to Sonoco Recycling

The field trips are so much fun.  We went to a recycling center in Raleigh yesterday.   Zoe and I were once again amazed.   Who knew you could knit purses out of plastic bags?   And who throws a bowling ball in the recycle bin?

It was so interesting to see where our recycles go and how they are traded like a commodity.  We weren't allowed to take any pictures of the assemble line as the conveyor belts were running and men were sorting through the recycles, but my first thought was Lucy and Ethyl in the chocolate factory.   The conveyor belts move fast and these men have to know what to eliminate.  By mid morning they had already handled 16 tons of recycles.

There were a tons of plastic bags on the floor.  We asked why they were taken out.  Our tour guide said they jam the machines so they toss them on the floor and then they're sent to the landfill!   Apparently, the bags are not profitable for the middle man like Sonoco.  They're too light, a pain in the neck on the conveyors and the return on their investment is lousy so it's easier to send them to the landfills.  You can't recycle pizza boxes either.   Good to know.  I"ll keep taking them back to Harris Teeter.  They recycle the bags and work with a company in Wilmington.  Or I'll learn to knit a plastic bag.   :)

We're scheduling a field trip to Holly Springs to see the landfill.  That's where all of Cary's garbage goes.   They said the kids can actually get inside a little tractor and ride up to the top of the garbage.  I can only imagine how nasty that smells, but maybe it will really hit home and we'll realize how much we waste and work on it some more.    Birkenstock Barbie is in Da House!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


You would think the really scary picture of Cyclops holding a few of Odysseus's men and getting ready to eat them would be scary enough for Zoe.   His face alone, with that big eye in the middle of the forehead, does it for me.


Zoe says....."Could he put on some clothes.  I mean, really?"

Teaching her makes me laugh.  Every day.