And then I think about it. Yes. She's already finish her first math workbook. She's half way to memorizing the multiplication table, she's writing and reading like a fiend, learning Latin (and liking it!), goes to a weekly learning cooperative with other children her age, has already been on three field trips and most importantly, she's so happy. That's the closer.
Got a note on my desk from Zoe yesterday. It was actually a response to a note I wrote to her: "Zoe, please copy each (spelling) word three times. Go across the page. Mom"
She wrote back: Ok, Mom, love you. P.S. I love homeschooling!"
Today we worked on history for a couple of hours because we didn't follow up from last week. I have to get the timeline in there. She loves the maps, coloring them in and talking about which king ruled where in Egypt. Yes, we're still on Egypt. Mostly because I decided we'd move on when I think she's got it and history comes in sessions.
I discovered Weekly Reader. For the first month, I just handed it to her, asked her to read it and then answer the questions, but I finally sat down and read the Teacher's Guide. They provide an assessment so I can see how well she's progressing. Did the same thing with history and math today...review, review, review. Tomorrow, back to Latin, Chemistry and the coop. I feel like I should be more nervous. Am I missing something? Well, if I am, I'll figure it out.
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