Thursday, May 26, 2011

Art Vandalay

The name comes from Seinfeld. George Costanza's occassional alias, made up author, or fictitious importer/exporter. And so on. I love that George Costanza.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bad, bad blogger is making up for lost time.

March 12, 2011 GI Joe and Madonna on scooters
Oh the guilt.   The year is almost over and I have much to share.   Zoë will finish her first year at Finucane elementary in less than a month.  There are many pictures to share.

Field trips were an integral part of our experience although some our favorite days were Tuesdays because they were more or less pajama days.  A full academic calendar, probably our most intense day in that respect, but no rush to be somewhere.  No deadlines.  Just home, comfortable and content to be hanging out together.  An occasional Moe's day thrown in there for variety.   How we love our Moe's days.  We usually sit at the same table, face the same way, and eat the same meals:  MooMoo cow (bean and rice burrito), chips, salsa, chocolate chip cookie and sweet tea for Zoë and an Art Vandalay for me.   Who is Art Vandalay anyway?  Just the mention makes my mouth water.

Sometimes, we had visitors at Finucane Elementary.  Namely, one cute Eagles fan and sailboat artist extraordinaire, Hank Finucane.

He takes full advantage of the chalk board when he's home from school pretending to be sick for a day.   His sailboat scenes usually include a rescue operation where I'm the damsel in distress and he's my knight in shining armor coming to rescue me from the fierce winds.  It's always a pleasure to have Hank in the classroom.  Zoë might disagree with that statement.  I think she would say it's nice to have him home from time to time, but let's not get carried away.  

It would be unfair to not show another builder at Finucane Elementary.  Haleigh likes the legos.  This is what we did one afternoon at the dining room table.  It's the White House.  And that's a giant pink monkey about to crush it.  Just kidding.  

Zoë made a few of her own creations.  

After learning about fairy houses from the girls at her science club,  she decided to create a few fairy homes in the backyard.   The idea is you're supposed to build houses made entirely out of things you find in nature.  I added the Fisher Price horse.  He was in the sandbox.  I just felt this ranch needed a horse, too.  She wanted me to tell you that.  She's a purist.  There is no way she'd put that horse there.  It doesn't count.

Zoë and Alex 
She was just getting to know this fine fellow before he left town.  Something tells me they had a really good time at goodbye party we threw for his family and they'll see one another again.   I think he might be her first real crush.  Oh, I'm so dead for that one.

To be continued...